2025 Winter Schedule of Martial Arts for Kids and Adults

In 2025, we have a full schedule of martial arts for kids and adults, including a competition focus for the adult classes and a new Family Open Play Time session on Sundays. This means we’re now open 7 days a week! We have classes for little ones, youth and adults during the afternoons, evenings and mornings.

Martial Arts for Adults

Competition Team Training at Solarte BJJ

During January and most of February, we have a few members who will be preparing for competition—the ADCC Open in Portland. Although most of our adult students won’t be competing, we’re all working together to support our competitors. In this way, everyone in the club benefits from competition! We’ve noticed everyone in the club improves when people compete because we all start to become more focused and engaged with our training.

If you’re new to jiu jitsu, don’t worry about “not knowing anything”. Competition training is actually a bit more simplified and fundamental—it’s a great time to start! You don’t have to be especially athletic, either. Just jump in and choose the pace that works best for you. We had a 13-year-old with no previous experience take the class and he had a great time!

ALL Adult Classes are open to Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced students. The instruction and games are designed to be adjustable to each person’s experience level. “Gi” and “No Gi” = BJJ uniform and regular active wear (though we recommend compression shirts and leggings with shorts for no gi).


  • MON 6:30–7:30pm Members Open Mat. This is a time when club members can let themselves in to roll or train on their own.
  • TUE/THUR: 5:30–6:30pm No Gi BJJ + rolling afterwards. 10th Planet black belt, Brian Williamson teaches 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu and is leading these Competition Team sessions.
  • WED: 6:30–7:30pm Krav Maga. Combatives/self-defense taught by Jeremy Jacobs.
  • FRI: 4–5:30pm Krav Maga. Combatives/self-defense taught by Jeremy Jacobs.
  • FRI 6–7:30pm Open Mat. This is a make up training session for the Competition Team and anyone who wants to come in to train.


  • MON 5–6am Members Open Mat. This is a time when club members can let themselves in to roll or train on their own.
  • WED 5–6am No Gi/Gi Optional BJJ. Ordinarily, this is gi only, but during the preparations for the ADCC Open we will also have no gi
  • FRI 5–6am No Gi BJJ.
  • SAT 10:30am–Noon. This is usually an all ages Open Mat, but it is now a Competition Team training session open to everyone.

Martial Arts for Kids

Youth Class at Solarte BJJ

The classes for kids and young children (“Li’l Ones”) help them learn how to use grips and full-body movements to control themselves and others without having to rely on kicking or punching. The lessons are very fun and use the same games-based training as the adults. NOTE: Although we show age ranges for each class, participation is per the instructor’s discretion. It’s more a matter of how much or how little attention span a child has, as well as their size and level of interest.

CLASSES FOR YOUTH (Ages 8 to 13)

  • TUE 4:30–5:15pm Youth No Gi BJJ. (Grappling without the traditional BJJ uniform)
  • WED 5:30–6:15pm Upper Level Youth BJJ. Both Gi & No Gi (Teaches more advanced techniques)
  • THUR 4:30–5:15pm Youth Gi BJJ. (Grappling wearing the traditional BJJ uniform)


  • TUE 3:30–4:00pm Li’l Ones No Gi BJJ.
  • TUE 4:00–4:25pm Li’l Ones Open Play Time (FREE* for all children, even toddlers)
  • WED 3:30–4:00pm Li’l Ones No Gi BJJ.
  • WED 4:00–4:25pm Li’l Ones Open Play Time (FREE* for all children, even toddlers)
Open Play Time for Li'l Ones at Solarte BJJ

NEW Open Family Play Time!*

During the rain and cold of winter, it’s nice to have a warm, bright mat space for kids to play. The Valerius family has kindly volunteered to open the club every Sunday. The last session of the season will be on Sunday February 23rd. We hope to make this an annual session during the winter months!

  • SUN 12:30–1:30pm Family Open Play Time.

Families are welcome to come and play together. Although this session is largely geared toward young children (babies to age 8), we also welcome parents and youth BJJ students who want to train together. Just keep in mind there might be younger kids running around with pool noodles! If you have any questions about Family Open Play Time, please Contact Us.

*The Open Play Times are FREE, but we welcome donations to help pay for the mat time.